My film “A Bite of Bone” won the Grand Prize for Short Animation in The 45th Ottawa International Animation Festival (OIAF)!
北米最大であり、世界三大アニメーションフェスティバルの一つであるオタワ国際アニメーションフェスティバル(Oitawa International Animation Festival:OIAF)は今年で第45回目でした。
オンラインで開催された今年の映画祭には、世界38カ国から2528作品の応募があり、『骨嚙み』が短編アニメーション部門最優秀賞(Grand Prize)を受賞しました。短編部門日本からの受賞は3人目。
Being awarded the Grand Prize in Ottawa was completely unexpected and I still can’t believe it. Even while commenting on the award ceremony , I couldn’t believe it.
Thank you very much to the jury, Kang Min Kim-san, Anne Koizumi-san, Gandalf-san, the festival team, and the festival director Chris Robinson-san. I will try my best to make my film at a good pace so that I can come back to the Ottawa International Animation Festival .
I would like to thank the two producers, director Koji Yamamura and sanae, who believed in me more than I believed in myself.
Jury Comment:
This film was made on top of traditional techniques. But It has the power to lead us in a new direction. In an image composed of dots, we freely cross places and memories as if we are all small dots. After looking at the work, we can see why the director used these techniques. And it leaves a long lingering impression.
Making of “A Bite of Bone”