第8回新千歳空港国際アニメーション映画祭にて、新作『骨嚙み』が「インターナショナルコンペティション ファミリー」部門にてノミネートされました。

今月末には、いよいよオタワ国際アニメーション映画祭での上映もあります。(Ottawa International Animation Festival 9月22日-10月3日)
また、同時に開催される「New Chitose Airport Pitch 2021」(これから制作する(もしくは現在制作中の)プロジェクトについてのプレゼンテーション)にも参加させていただきます。公開プレゼンテーション形式ですので、ご興味のある方はオンライン等でぜひご視聴ください。
コメンテーターにはMIYUプロダクションズ(フランス)からプロデューサー、エマニュエル=アラン・レナール氏、スタジオ Fabian & Fred (イギリス)からプロデューサーファビアン・ドリーホースト氏が迎えられます。
At the 8th New Chitose Airport International Animation Festival, my new film “A Bite of Bone” has been nominated for the “International Competition Family” category. Thank you very much. It’s my favorite film festival, so I’m very honored.( the results of the nominations.)
At the end of this month, the film will finally be screened at the Ottawa International Animation Festival.
(Ottawa International Animation Festival, September 22 – October 3)
Although I won’t be able to actually go to Canada, as the festival is mainly held online, I’m looking forward to experiencing “Ottawa” even if it’s through a screen.
I’ll also be participating in the “New Chitose Airport Pitch 2021” (a presentation of upcoming (or in-progress) projects), which will be held at the same time. It will be a public presentation, so please watch it online if you are interested. the participating projects.
I will be participating with my next work, “The story of my first love and the rainbow ferry that was sold (provisional)”. As in “A Bite of Bone” (2021), the story will be set on a small island in Japan where I was born and raised, , and will overlap the sense of loss about the ferry and the first love that will never return. It will be my first queer animation since “Chromosome Lovers”. I’m looking forward to making it myself.
The commentators will be Mr. Emmanuel-Alain Raynal, producer from MIYU Productions (France), and Fabian Driehorst, producer from StudioFabian & Fred (UK). This is the first time for me to present a film at the planning stage, but I feel that it is a very valuable opportunity for me as an independent filmmaker to be able to see a film at the planning stage under the eyes of these people and others involved in the festival in Japan!
Also, the projects of the people who will be participating with me already look interesting, and as an audience member, I am looking forward to seeing their projects. Thank you very much to everyone at the New Chitose Airport International Animation Film Festival!